Make meeting schedules easier and more organized:
Organized and clear meeting sch & edules prove an impetus on improving workplace productivity. They make it easier to reserve or cancel a room, without wasting a minute, and everyone can clearly see when a room becomes available. The digital signage outside the room helps resolve conflicts for space while improving efficiency in workplace.
Display who you are:
The employee ID badge clearly showcases employee office information including name, phone number, position, etc. This also helps to build an environment-friendly profile for your enterprise.
Used as a access card:
Carrying too many cards in workspace sometimes is a real nuisance. But employees won’t feel bothered with this card! They can customize the versatile badge as a security access card or more.
Meeting schedules display:
People may forget the meetings they have due to intensive schedules. This card can help, by clearly displaying meeting schedules and time. Know the meeting information just at a glance and greatly avoid missing important meetings.
Attendance management:
By integrating employee cards into the company attendance system, the HR department can record employee attendance automatically by connecting badges to cloud. Help reduce human interference and further improve attendance accuracy.